Kurts Eintopf aka sfm.soup.io 

11521 posts 44 followers 140 following
Thank you, Soup! I'll miss you so much!

40.000 Euro und laufende Kosten

Pambalk-Rieger bietet einem potenziellen Käufer an, den Web-Dienst samt der gesamten Hardware, dem Quellcode und der Daten um etwa 40.000 Euro zu verkaufen. Er würde Soup dazu auf die URL Soup.me migrieren. Soup.me war der letzte Versuch des damaligen Startups rund um Gründer Christopher Clay, den Dienst ins mobile Zeitalter zu führen, und als eine Art Antwort auf die damals neue Facebook-Timeline konzipiert.

Laut Pambalk-Rieger müsste man neben dem Kaufpreis mit Monatskosten von etwa 1.950 Euro rechnen, diese würden Housing inklusive Internet-Uplink und dem Stromverbrauch abdecken. Um zumindest diese Kosten zu decken, müsste man etwa das Werbegeschäft wieder ankurbeln oder versuchen, Mitgliedsbeiträge bei den Nutzern einzuheben. Auch müsste man die veraltete Software auf aktuellen Stand bringen – die Website kann etwa kein Responsive Design. Read More »

(Goodby) My Friends

We had a wonderful time here at soup.io, I already miss it ;(
But the coming shutdown of soup.io forces us to look up and move on...

In the future you can find me on lekurt.tumblr.com until we find a better place that is like soup.io (I have no hopes, you can't simply replace soup.io *sad beep*).
Or contact me by mail at soup@no-spam4.me

So long and thanks for al the fish!

List of my friends and followers:
Dear soup-users.

Thanks for sharing your sympathies. It is also a hard time for us. As some users asked regarding costs & revenue streams as about open sourcing soup.
We are currently paying near the 10,000€ mark per month and our revenue streams are at 1,500€.

The infrastructure and micro-services of soup became more and more complex over the years and the amount of data is huge, really huge. To serve nearly 6 million users is a resource-intensive duty.

This is also the reason why we dropped the idea of open-sourcing soup. It's too complex to maintain and to hand-over. 
We took the hard decision that we have to end it here. :(
An optional payment option was available since several years. But it seems that nearly no one used it. And now it is to late and we have to deal with the sad void that will follow the closing of soup.io...
Dear soup.io fans and users,
today, we have to share very sad news. Soup.io will stop working in less than 10 days. :(
It's breaking our heart and we honestly tried whatever we could to keep the platform up and running. But the high costs and low revenue streams made it impossible to continue with it. We invested a lot of personal time and money to operate the platform, but when it's over, it's over.
We are really sorry. Soup.io is part of the internet history and online for one and a half decades.
Here are the hard facts:
- In 10 days the platform will stop working.
- Backup your data in this time
- We will not keep backups nor can we recover your data
July, 20th, 2020 is the due date.
Please, share your thoughts and feelings here.
Your Soup.io TEAM